The little boys stockings are hung.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
ALL the Stockings Were Hung......
Logan's 8 Months Old
Friday, December 19, 2008
Sweet Insight!!
Carter: Mom I told you Jesus could be in other peoples heart.
Mom: Why do you say that Carter?
Carter: Because I heard the Gloria song (Angles We Have Heard On High) at the doctor's office.
Yes, sweet Carter, Jesus is in other peoples heart!! It's the most wonderful time of the year!!
Angles We Have Heard On High is the little boys favorite Christmas song. I think it is their favorite song all year long. We sing it every family night and the boys know all the words to the first verse by heart. I love to hear their sweet little voices singing "Gloria" all year round, a little bit of Christmas cheer for me all year long!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!!!!
What are the two little boys doing?
That's right they are asleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Preston the Pride Award Winner
Preston is kind of a superstar student, I know my opinion is biased but this kid really does shine. At his teacher conference his teacher was literally gushing about what a good student and friend this little boy is.
He has always been very intelligent, when he was about 9 months old he was crawling around the house with one sock on and I casually said to him "Baby, where is your sock?" he looked at me and crawled away, a few minutes later he showed up by my side with his sock in his little baby hand. I know it is crazy but his genius was already showing:) Once again biased mother speaking here.
But what really makes me and his teacher proud is how sweet and compassionate Preston is. There are a few special needs kids in Preston's class and one little girl named Lily is Preston's special friend. He talks about Lily every day and makes pictures for her. He goes out of his way to play with her at recess every day and sometimes when Lily has to go to Special Ed during recess Preston gladly gives up his recess to go play games in Special Ed with Lily. He brings little toys to school for Lily to play with and he tells me that he does not even mind when Lily gets a little drool on them. I knew he was friends with Lily but when his teacher told me the full extent of his devotion to Lily it brought a little tear to my eye.
It made me remember what a sweet little soul Preston is and how grateful I am to have him in my life. He has always been my Mama's boy, and that is OK with me, but sometimes I think I take my children for granted. I live with this little boy everyday and sometimes forget what an extraordinary spirit he has. Well done Preston, Well done!!!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Carter Says The Funniest Things
For some reason Carter calls Pirates Cove (the water park) Diet Coke. He always asks me when it will be summer again so we can go to Diet Coke.
Old Navy to Carter is Old Lady. "Why do we have to go to Old Lady again?!!"
Today Carter asked me if "Holy Crack" is a bad word. I thought he meant Holy Crap but he told me "No Mom, I mean CRACK!!!" Of course the whole family got a huge laugh out of this one, (sometimes it is too hard not to laugh). Of course this sent Carter on a tirade which ended with Carter having a time out. I asked Carter where he heard that and he said "I made it up myself"
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Seven Months!!!!
Logan tried to be happy but.......
Friday, November 21, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Whats That Smell?!
Or everyone sitting around doing their own thing when suddenly you smell something burning. In our house the little boys are sometimes obsessed with how things burn and why they burn. This is why I do not keep candles in my house and matches are hidden away where it is even hard for me to reach.
One time we were in the family room and I could smell that burning smell coming from Preston and Carter's bedroom. Of course we are searching high and low to find the source before the whole house burns down. After about 10 minutes of searching I found that "someone" (no one would claim responsibility surprise, surprise) had thrown a plastic leaf from the artificial plant in their room onto the light bulb. I don't know how they managed to get it up and over the light fixture, but I have long ago stopped trying to figure out how the little boys accomplish all the naughty things they do.
On Saturday I once again smelled the lovely sent of burning plastic and immediately thought that someone was doing an "experiment". It turned out a plastic lid fell onto the heating element in the dishwasher so all little boys were off the hook.
Sometimes I have a smelly house which drives me crazy, I have always been a smeller and want things to smell good, so with 5 boys this is sometimes hard to accomplish. Fabreze is one of my best friends.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
One More Down
Thursday, November 13, 2008
D-egg-saster Avoided
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Who Can Resist This!!!
Being this cute really should be a crime, because you can get away with anything!!!!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Happy Halloween!!!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Fall Break Day 4
Athena having a moment by herself after a long day at the zoo with 5 crazy monkeys (also known as her cousins).
Fall Break Day 3
Logan hanging out with Mom.
Logan and Grandma Rosie.
We had a fun day, but we missed Austin who had to stay home because he had a little attitude the night before and he was throwing up too:(
Monday, November 3, 2008
Fall Break Day 2
Aidan was supposed to be making a ghost with his gum, but we just ate it instead.
Logan with his pumpkin hat, we had a cute little pumpkin bunting but of course the string bean baby was to long to fit into his costume so he just got to wear the hat. Logan was not happy about this either because the hat squished his eyes:(
This is our pumpkin haul this year, the Turkish Turban is a funny little squash that I got at Nick's, the boys think it looks like and old man wearing a hat.
Here are the finished jack-o-lanterns!!! Preston named his pumpkin Mr. Half Mouth, and then he kept all the cut out pieces in his pumpkin.
Grandma Condie helping Preston get the guts out of his pumpkin.
Dry ice in the root beer!
Even Grandpa Condie helped with the root beer!