Monday, November 17, 2008

Whats That Smell?!

Have you ever played this game in your house? You walk in your house and smell something stinky and then have to run around sniffing behind and inside everything. I have found everything from a diaper the someone forgot to throw in the trash to a who knows how old pieces of cheese under the couch.

Or everyone sitting around doing their own thing when suddenly you smell something burning. In our house the little boys are sometimes obsessed with how things burn and why they burn. This is why I do not keep candles in my house and matches are hidden away where it is even hard for me to reach.

One time we were in the family room and I could smell that burning smell coming from Preston and Carter's bedroom. Of course we are searching high and low to find the source before the whole house burns down. After about 10 minutes of searching I found that "someone" (no one would claim responsibility surprise, surprise) had thrown a plastic leaf from the artificial plant in their room onto the light bulb. I don't know how they managed to get it up and over the light fixture, but I have long ago stopped trying to figure out how the little boys accomplish all the naughty things they do.

On Saturday I once again smelled the lovely sent of burning plastic and immediately thought that someone was doing an "experiment". It turned out a plastic lid fell onto the heating element in the dishwasher so all little boys were off the hook.

Sometimes I have a smelly house which drives me crazy, I have always been a smeller and want things to smell good, so with 5 boys this is sometimes hard to accomplish. Fabreze is one of my best friends.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

good luck keeping is smelling good when they all hit puberty!!! stinky boys :)