Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!!

Logan's cute Halloween socks and blanket. And the little pumpkin himself.....;)

We had a fun, crazy Halloween, the boys are finally coming down from the sugar high!!! We started the night at Southlands and of course things were crazy for the rest of the night so this is the only picture I got of the 4 boys together, with their backs so me. We had two firemen, one fire chief, and a reluctant Woody who refused to put his hat on! After Southland's we headed over to the church for trunk or treat. We left there with full buckets so the boys were worried they would not have enough room for even more candy when we went to Grandma Rosie's to trick or treat.
At Grandma Rosie's we had our annual chili dinner and then Austin, Preston, Carter, Airis, and Athena went trick or treating in Grandma's neighborhood. There were some pretty scary houses that we went to and then we finally had to come home because they could not shove another piece of candy in their buckets.Brian stayed at Grandma's with Aidan and Logan. Logan was ready for bed and Aidan just wanted to eat all his candy. We had such beautiful weather that I did not mind going out with them at all . They have enough candy to last until Christmas at least. I think the Halloween fairy may have to come take the rest of their candy away!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

what a fun halloween. I love Logan's socks.

oh, and thanks again for the Halloween blanket, I love it.