Thursday, July 24, 2008

Three Months Already

Little Logan is three months old today! He is getting so big it is sad how fast they go from being a new born to a big baby. He is getting a little chub which is very cute. I've said it before but he really is a good, easy baby. A day in the life of Logan goes like this.

5am Wake up to eat, go back to sleep
8am Wake up to eat, play with Mom, play with my brothers, get held by Mom, get held by Austin, get held by Preston, basically get spoiled all day.
11am Eat, take a nap
1pm Eat some more, get held some more, play some more
4pm Eat some more, sleep some more
7pm Eat, Eat, Eat, hang out with Dad
9pm Eat and go to bed for the night.

We are all really enjoying Logan right now. He smiles and reacts to us when we play with him and loves to stand and look around. He is becoming quite active and can roll over onto his tummy. He is always kicking his little legs and moving around, just practicing so he can play with those brothers.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

wow, he is a good baby, and sooooo cute too! He's growing up too fast though.