Sunday, July 20, 2008

Brotherly Love

Aidan has finally decided that he likes the new baby. It took him a couple of months to warm up to Logan. He has never been mean to Logan, Aidan just chose to pretend the baby did not exist. The day we brought Logan home from the hospital all the boys were so excited and everyone wanted a turn to hold Logan, except Aidan. Ever since then, if you ask Aidan if he wants to hold the baby he very adamantly says "NO"! The last couple of weeks Aidan has started patting Logan's head and giving him kisses. Aidan still has no desire to actually hold the baby and is very upset if you ask his to, but he is now fascinated by Logan and wants to play with Logan and is very interested in watching Logan cry and seeing what is in Logan's mouth while he is screaming. Gotta love those boys!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

So glad he's warming up to baby brother!