Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Friend Aidan

Aidan is two and full of energy. Aidan never walks anywhere, he runs. I can never keep ahead of the child. He loves to eat, so all food has to be kept out of his reach. But Aidan is ever resourceful and has gotten very good at pushing the dining room chairs into the kitchen to reach his desired treat. Aidan is very clever and usually sneaks up to my room to eat is snack. This is usually some kind of crumby chip, or cracker so when I get into bed at night, I can tell if Aidan has been hanging out in my room.
Aidan's new love is Buzz and Woody from Toy Story. Austin loved these movies when he was little so we have tons of Toy Story toys which I am glad I saved. They are getting a second life. Aidan saw Toy Story and Toy Story 2 for the first time a couple of month ago. These movies are on video and the VCR was destroyed by little fingers some time ago. We finally got a new VCR/DVD combo and the boys had fun rediscovering their movies. Unfortunately, Aidan's curiosity about how a VHS tape works got the best of him and he broke both of the Toy Story movies. So now one of Aidan's favorite games to play is "Where is Buzz?" We say "Where is Buzz?" and Aidan says "I don't know!" and then runs around the house like a crazy man, looking for Buzz. He is quite entertaining.
Aidan is also starting to add many new words to his vocabulary. He has been a little slow to talk, I think it is just because he spends so much time trying to master his running, jumping, climbing, and scooter riding skills. It is fun to have a conversation with him now.
Aidan loves the summer and has had fun catching bugs with his brothers. Aidan is not quite the water lover his brothers are so when we go to Grandma's pool Aidan likes to play outside the pool or on the stairs that go into the pool. But he loves the reservoir, probably because of the endless supply of wet, muddy sand he gets to play in.
He is a monkey and loves to run around with no shoes on. I send him outside with shoes and he never comes in with them on. If I need to find Aidan's shoes I just have to look in the backyard.
He will be starting preschool in the fall which is hard for me to believe. I swear he was just born but I know he will love it.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I've enjoyed reading all your posts on your friends!