Monday, February 23, 2009

Cold, Cold Go Away!!!!

We are finally all over the yucky cold that came to visit our house the beginning of this month. Aidan started the whole thing with a little cough that turned into a big cough, sinus infection, and pink eye. When the doctor told me to keep him away from his brothers, especially Logan, because pink eye is so contagious I just had to laugh. Of course all of the boys got a cough, fever, and pink eye, Carter also got an ear infection. There was a week or two there where I would line the boys medication up and we would have a little assembly line, decongestant, anti-biotic, ibuprofen (for the fever). It was a little rough but I think I can safely say that we are all healthy now. Hopefully we can all stay healthy for the rest of the winter. I am so ready for spring to be here!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are missing playing outside every day!!


Wendi said...

Yea for good health! We are in the midst of the cough, congestion, runny nose, ornery phase. I can't wait until its over!!!

Carissa said...

I love that your doctor wanted you to quarantine one of your sons from the other four. Last time I checked, kids don't stay in one spot for very long, were you supposed to send the other four away until the illness passed? I'm glad you're all feeling better. I hate giving antibiotics to one kid, I can't imagine dosing up five kids. You're amazing.