Thursday, February 26, 2009

Aynay...... what Aidan likes to call himself!
Aidan is one crazy kid and is full of energy. He is so funny sometimes. The other day I came downstairs and found Aidan hiding behind the chair with my purse. He was generously applying lip gloss and when I asked him what he was doing he said "My lips were cold" Well of course they were, better cover up with some shiny pink lip gloss.

We made a run to our eye doctor today because Aidan told Brian and I last night that his eye was broken, and at our house we don't take those comments lightly. So we rushed off to the eye doctor this morning.
Long story short Aidan's eyes were perfect (huge sigh of relief).
Aidan hates getting drops in his eyes and while they were trying to put drops in his eyes he kept screaming at the top of his lungs
"My eyes are not thirsty!!"
After the drops and screaming Aidan was an angel, thanks to Ms. Diane who always makes sure Aidan gets his fill of chocolate from the treat drawer. She brought him a little chocolate before the doctor and a big one for after the doctor. This bribe worked very well because Aidan usually gives an encore performance of screaming and fighting when it is time for Dr. P to look at his eye. Today he sat quietly on my lap and let the Dr. get a good look at his eye and retina. Dr. P was very impressed and so was I. Apparently all we need is a big old chocolate bar to keep the scream monster quiet.
P.S.-If Aidan's glasses could please come out of hiding we would really appreciate it :)

1 comment:

Jill & Jake said...

What are the drops for? My two year old has to have 5 drops a day right now.(better than the 2 different drops that were every 2 hours) I hope your son doesn't need them for very long. We're going on a month now.