Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Christmas Eve 2008

We spend Christmas eve with my family. All of my siblings and their families converge on my parents house and we eat dinner and open presents. The boys always look forward to this night and we all love spending time together. We tried to get a picture with all the cousins together, this is always a challenge. My favorite pictures of the night are when Carter called his cousin Athena a wierdo in this picture .....and then this is the next picture, priceless. Everyone got to open their gifts from each other and then play, play, play!! And of course the angle baby's first Christmas Eve, he is at such a fun age and loved playing with all the new things.
I am so grateful for my family and I am grateful that we are all here in Colorado and get to spend time together. I am grateful for the love that my children feel from their family and that they get to spend time with their Grandparents and uncles, and aunts. We all had a wonderful time!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

it looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. It is nearly impossible to get a picture of cousins together, isn't it?