Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Two Peas

Aidan and Logan have become quite good friends. As Logan has gotten older and more mobile Aidan thinks that he is a lot of fun to play with. Logan was not too sure about this at first. He was a little leery of Aidan carrying him up and down the stairs. He is not always up for playing with Aidan but as he has gotten older he has also found his attitude and can be very vocal when he does not want to do something. Aidan is a very good big brother and very sweet when he wants to be. Aidan is working on being a good sharer which I think is a little amusing, when you are number 4 boy you think you would be used to sharing everything you own. Maybe that is why Aidan thinks everything belongs to him, I have stopped trying to figure out the mind of a 3 year old.

At Aidan's last teacher conference his teacher's goals for him were to work on being a better sharer and not playing so rough with the other children. Not all of Aidan's friends have 4 brothers to show them how to be a Kung Fu fighter.
And Logan is still my sweet little guy. He loves to snuggle with Mom, which I love because all of the other little boys think they are too big to snuggle with their Mom and don't give more than the occasional hug and kiss. (If they absolutely have too!!) Logan is a pretty happy and content guy and his brothers still think he is pretty great too.

It is sweet to watch the little boys interact with each other. It is nice to remember these sweet moments and I hope they remember them too because it seems to me as they get older they forget that their brothers were once sweet little babes and they just want to fight with each other.

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